Our Students
University Extension (UEX) students represent a wide variety of learners, each looking for particular ways to use our college credit courses. Whether you are a traditional college student looking to complete your degree faster by taking additional courses on your own schedule, a mid-career professional needing prerequisite courses to prepare for graduate or professional school, or a high school student wanting to get an early start on college, UEX courses can help you reach your educational goals.

UT Austin Students
UT Austin students can add more flexibility to their schedules with UEX’s semester-based and self-paced online courses. UEX courses appear on your official transcript, the grades are added to your cumulative UT GPA, and semester-based courses qualify for financial aid.
As an undergraduate student in the College of Liberal Arts, Tyler took business courses with UEX on campus in the evenings to prepare for an MBA program.

Students at Other Universities
Open registration for UEX’s self-paced and semester-based online courses gives students throughout the world an opportunity to earn college credit from a tier-one university and learn from some of the most highly respected researchers in their fields.
Saleh took classes with UEX to build relationships with UT Austin faculty before applying to a graduate program in the College of Education.

High School Students
Academically strong juniors and seniors can get an early start on their college careers with introductory level course from UEX. Courses appear on an official UT Austin transcript, and can be used to meet core curriculum course requirements at colleges and universities across Texas.
Mayte took a UT Austin statistics course as a junior in high school to become more college-ready.

Working Professionals
UEX’s online courses provide working professionals with convenient options to continue their education, to become more informed about a new career field, or to prepare for graduate or professional school without having to quit their day jobs.
Janeka went back to school with UEX, taking two self-paced online courses while working full-time, to complete the requirements for a bachelor’s degree.

Work With An Advisor
It is always a good idea to consult with your academic advisor or a University Extension advisor before registering.